Of Course the “Liver King” Was on Steroids This Entire Time

So he isn't "natty," after all. But does this mean he isn't eating raw brains?

Liver King takes in a UFC match.
The one they call "Liver King," in a rare appearance with fabric covering his torso.
Photo by Cooper Neill/Zuffa LLC

Well, there’s at least one thing Joe Rogan was right about this year: Brian “Liver King” Johnson does indeed have an “ass full of steroids.”

A YouTube channel called More Plates More Dates — which is operated by a fitness entrepreneur known only as “Derek” — dropped an hour-long video yesterday, exposing Liver King’s apparent rampant steroid abuse. Since mid-2021, the outlandish Instagram influencer has spent at least $200,000 on human growth hormone to maintain his rippling physique.

It’s a physique he’s long claimed was fueled by back-breaking workouts and the consumption of raw animal organs — liver, hearts, marrow…even testicles. Liver King regularly posts videos of himself “dressing” uncooked chuck with egg yolks and feeding the food to his tribe, too. In one clip, he partakes in bovine brain with his wife and two sons.

Has Liver King actually been eating all this raw meat, though? Or is he taking a couple bites, then spitting it out once the camera’s off?

It’s impossible to say, considering the man does perform a variety of other preposterous stunts on his channel, like spearing barracuda from the back of a jetski, or blowing up Beyond burgers and tubs of sunscreen with his bazooka. (If one thing’s for certain, Liver King loves the sun. He’s proudly claimed that he’s “allergic” to T-shirts.)

The PED revelation would lend credence to the idea that Brian Johnson is playing an elaborate character, with the express intention of capturing social media attention and selling crap. And it’s working: Liver King has nearly two million followers on Instagram.

Two summers ago, though, no one had even heard of him. In leaked emails obtained by More Plates More Dates, Johnson appears to be plotting his entire act in the months leading up to August 2021. He’s actively looking for HGH, seeming to understand that he’ll need the body to match the backstory. At some point, he must’ve found his drugs of choice and decided he was satisfied with the results.

Where does this leave his fanbase, many of whom consume Liver King’s content as a guilty pleasure? That’s unclear for now. After all, what difference does it make to the general public that Liver King isn’t “natty” (the bodybuilding world’s term for when someone’s figure is all-natural and earned without any illicit enhancers)?

Liver King has repeatedly denied that he uses PEDs (on one podcast he briefly copped to using them, before clarifying that he “prioritizes, executes and dominates every fucking morning”) but what did anyone ever expect? Some weightlifters might be annoyed with him for lying, but surely they stopped taking him seriously when he sharpened his hatchet on an electric surfboard, or held a shirtless moment of silence at the 9/11 Memorial?

It’s difficult to cancel someone for putting needles in their body when they’ve been publicly putting raw testicles down their throat for over a year. But natty or not, expect Liver King’s profile to amplify even further…and the copycats to follow in kind. Attention spans are short on social media. Absurdity sells.

What’s so fascinating about the whole saga, though, is Liver King is selling the ancestral living…while injecting the future into his backside. Here’s his philosophy boiled down to a few sentences in a podcast appearance:

“People are suffering with depression, anxiety, with autoimmune conditions. They got low energy, low libidos, low ambition in life. What I’m proposing, my thesis, is that there’s a simple, elegant solution to living a goddamn kickass fucking life. So this is my job, as the CEO of the ancestral lifestyle, to model, teach and preach this message, so that our people don’t have to suffer, so that we can return to our highest and most dominant form. So you say ‘What if you don’t want to be like that’? Well, 80% of people’s lives fucking suck already.”

Inevitably, Liver King has some genuine acolytes. It’s the internet, after all. But hopefully this latest news will help them see what we’ve known all along — that Brian Johnson is a method actor, and should not, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

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