The Latest

How to Burn Calories All Day Without Working Out

Time to familiarize yourself with "non-exercise activity thermogenesis"

Healthiest Fruits According to Doctors and Nutritionists

Blueberries, strawberries and dates, oh my

How to Improve Your “Fitness Range”

Hybrid athletes pump up their hearts and biceps in equal measure

The “Space Salad” That Astronauts Eat to Stay in Shape

It includes hearty ingredients like sweet potato, peanuts and barley

In Defense of Scheduling Sex

It’s time to rethink how we experience desire, especially in long-term relationships

Jonathan Majors Is Compared to Dana White Because of Abuse Allegations

Some speculate the two men are treated differently because of race

How to Pick a Better Peanut Butter

Our favorite has good fats and a great reputation amongst growers

Science Says Seeing Live Sports Is Good for the Soul

If you ever need a pick-me-up, try going to your favorite team's next home game

Meet the People Who Will Never Map Their Runs

Inside the band of "running purists" who take their daily miles sans GPS

Is a Major Health Insurer Rejecting Treatments Too Quickly?

An investigative report reveals some alarming data

Did New Liver Transplant Guidelines Reinforce Inequality?

A new investigation uncovered disquieting data

Somerville, MA Becomes the First City to Protect Polyamory

Finally, some good news for those in unconventional relationships

Add a “German Fitness Walk” to Your Weekend Routine

The family affair traditionally ends with cake or cold beer

A New Study Touts the Heart-Healthy Benefit of Nuts

One handful a day may lower your risk of heart disease

Are Folding Bikes Worth the Hype?

We tried out Brompton's award-winning, 16-pound T Line One