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10 Chefs Share Their Best Tips for Eating Like a King While You Travel

From hacking airplane food to finding a city's best eats

The 5 Best Rentals Near Chicago for Learning a New Winter Sport

From snowmobiles to ice fishing to — yes — curling

The Perfect Chicago Valentine’s Getaway for Every Budget and Timetable

From staycations to Wisconsin weekenders to the Caribbean

Our 18 Favorite Chicago Hotels, and the Best Use Case for Each

From blissful staycations to a place to stash in-laws

The Four-Hour Rule: Ann Arbor, MI

A weekend itinerary for Big House fans and bon vivants alike

5 Reasons to Love Wrigleyville’s New Ballpark-Themed, 21-Room Hotel

It’s called The Wheelhouse, and no two rooms are the same

The Four-Hour Rule: Kohler, WI

Wisconsin does decadence in exactly one place. This is it.

Four Hour Rule CHI Adventure

Four Hour Rule CHI Adventure

Four Hour Rule CHI Luxury

Four Hour Rule CHI Luxury

The Four-Hour Rule

A handy two-step tool for finding your ideal summer getaway

7 Late-Summer Chicago Airfares You Simply Cannot Beat

Near (Portland), far (Tel Aviv) and everywhere in between

Here’s Your Three-Step Plan for a Day of Urban Camping in Chicago

Come for the boozy summer camp. Stay for the rooftop tent.