Plan Now for These 5 Superb Bay Area Wildflower Hikes

Pack a picnic. Romance doesn’t get much easier.

March 13, 2018 9:00 am

Wildflower season comes but once a year.

Every year, we say we’re going to get out there. Then it’s July, and we haven’t, and the moment has passed.

So this year, we’re doing it right: by blocking out a couple Saturdays to take in some spectacular fields of wildflowers, from the Peninsula to Marin County to all points in between.

A word of caution: bloom dates vary massively from year to year and spot to spot, inland or coastal, by rainfall accumulation and between elevations — which should come as no surprise to residents of a city where the temperature can plummet 20 degrees from the point where you drive onto a bridge to the point you drive off of it. Check with the parks — or their Instagrams — for the latest.

Set your GPS for: Henry W. Coe State Park

Hike: Mount Sizer Loop

Distance: 15 miles

You’ll see: California buttercups, red maids and shooting stars

Fast fact: For up-to-the-minute bloom updates, see here.

Image: Sarah Manley

Set your GPS for: Mount Tam

Hike: Yolanda Trail

Distance: 5.25 miles

You’ll see: Monkey flowers, white milkmaids and Indian paintbrushes

Fast fact: See if you can schedule this around a guest day or open festival at the Tourist Club.

Set your GPS for: Point Reyes National Seashore

Hike: Chimney Rock

Distance: 1.8 miles

You’ll see: Basically everything, not limited to yellow bush lupine, wild poppies, mule ear sunflowers and more. We’re talking carpet-style wildflowers here, people.

Fast fact: Time it just right and you may be able to mix your wildflower viewing with seeing seals and/or whales, depending on the bloom dates and migratory times.

Set your GPS for: Russian Ridge Preserve

Hike: Bay Area Ridge Trail

Distance: 7 miles out-and-back

You’ll see: Lupines, puppies, mule ears, blue-eyed grass

Fast fact: From the top of the ridge, you’ll get both ocean and bay views.

Image: David Baron

Set your GPS for: Black Diamond Mines Regional Park

Hike: Black Diamond Mines loop

Distance: 5.3 miles

You’ll see: The rare Mt. Diablo Fairy Lantern, hayfield tarweeds, common coyotemint, and many more — see here for a frankly wonderful illustrated guide.

Fast fact: This was once the largest coalfield in California, and some of the mining apparatus is still on view today.

Image: Jose Asyn

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