Here’s Your Last-Second Guide to Getting in Beach Shape

Shirtless season is here. We got you.

May 24, 2016 9:00 am

We get it: winter involved whiskey. And maybe some beer. And your gut shows it.

Don’t fret: there’s still time to make a last-minute summer shape-up pay off. We spoke with Avadean Lewis, NASM-CPT, FNS, CES, PES and at-large body fixer at NY Fitpros Health & Wellness Center for some quick fixes — realistic ones.

Combo Training Is Key
“Your workouts need to be based around metabolic acceleration by combining weight training in a circuit training fashion with cardio,” says Lewis. “This will keep your heart rate up while taxing your muscles. You’re burning more calories and building muscle.” Lewis recommends this sequence: Do a two-minute sprint on the treadmill and follow with squats, bench press and pull-ups. Then repeat.

Cardio Does Count
In order to accelerate fat loss and boost metabolism, cardio is extremely important. “I would not,  however, say it’s more important than weight training,” says Lewis. “You need both.” Start with cardio to get your heart rate up and blood moving, then move on to strength training.

Cut Calories
You’ve heard it: abs are made in the kitchen. What you eat (or more importantly, what you don’t eat) is fundamental in sculpting a body that you’ll want to show off. “At the end of the day, the most important thing will be your diet,” says Lewis. “If you’re not in a caloric deficit you won’t lose any weight.” So focus on lean protein, leafy greens and whole foods (the unprocessed edibles, not the overcharging chain).

Set Attainable Goals (and Be Patient)
Lewis says most people want a flat stomach for summer. “It’s typically their first concern. And I usually have to explain to people that you can’t spot remove fat,” he says. “Your genetics will determine the order in which your body burns fat and belly fat is usually the last to go.” He suggests focusing on improving overall health rather than targeting specific spots. “Setting realistic goals that cause lasting lifestyle change like reducing carb consumption and cutting out sweets are key for long-term success.”

And there you have it. “There’s always next summer” is no excuse.

This is but one installment of 37 Things a Man’s Gotta Do This Summer, our annual compendium of everything worth seeing, doing, eating, drinking and generally making time for in your neck of the woods between now and September

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