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The 20 Best Concerts Coming to Miami This Summer

Massive stadium shows, multi-day festivals and more intimate gigs all included

You Can Now Get a Tattoo in the Coolest Museum in Miami

You’ll want to stop by the airbrush studio, too

This Florida Scientist Is Like a Lionfish Assassin

Lionfish don’t belong in Florida waters — and Alex Fogg is ready to show them the door

This Florida Town Is the Secret Home of the Largest Collection of Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings

A lesser-known architectural road trip that’s well worth the drive

How Miami’s Juan Palacio Got on the Inc. 5000 List — With Flowers

Palacio tells us about the meteoric rise of BloomsyBox, and gives us a recommendation for authentic Colombian food

Concierge Confidential: Italo Fornoni of Faena Shares Insider Tips on the Miami Scene

The longtime concierge recommends the best Cuban sandwich, an ideal four-hour stroll and the perfect pool (besides Faena's own, of course)

The 17 Best Concerts Coming to Miami This Spring

From Bieber and Bad Bunny stadium shows to Bon Iver and Haim, this is your concert checklist

How the Miami Riots of 1980 Predicted America in 2020

In "The Year of Dangerous Days," Nicholas Griffin paints a grim picture of a divided city

The King of Miami Nightlife Shows Off His Office

This is where David Grutman goes when he needs some downtime

The Local's Guide to a Perfect Night in Miami

Cuban food and dive bars > bottle service and South Beach

Fort Lauderdale Is the Perfect City to Be Stuck in for One Night

The once-upon-a-time spring break staple breathes a new, cosmopolitan life.