Michael Jordan and Jordan Brand Pledge $100 Million Towards Racial Equality Causes

The $100 million donation is on top of Nike's pledge of $40 million towards community organizations

Jordan Brand BLM
Michael Jordan delivers a press conference at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, France on June 12, 2015.

With protests against police brutality and racism erupting across the country this week, a variety of companies have, with varying success, spoken out about the movement. On Friday, Michael Jordan and Jordan Brand joined the cause, with a statement that both condemned systemic racism and also announced a pledge to donate $100 million over ten years towards “organizations dedicated to ensuring racial equality, social justice and greater access to education.”

Jordan Brand’s pledge follows Nike’s own commitment to donating $40 million across all of its brands over the next four years, with the money going to community organizations as part of a new “Commitment to the Black Community” campaign. In announcing that move, Nike president and CEO John Donahue reflected on the systemic racism that led to the death of George Floyd, when officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for over eight minutes:

Systemic racism and the events that have unfolded across America over the past few weeks serve as an urgent reminder of the continued change needed in our society. We know Black Lives Matter. We must educate ourselves more deeply on the issues faced by Black communities and understand the enormous suffering and senseless tragedy racial bigotry creates.

While neither Nike nor Jordan brand specifically called out “police brutality,” their donations do speak volumes. In a week where brands were chastised for jumping on the Black Lives Matter cause without material action, that’s more than most can say.

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