The Best Men’s Sunglasses for Every Face Shape, Explained

Choosing shades that compliment your noggin is deceptively tricky. We're here to help.

three actors with sunglassses on on a wavy blue background
By Paolo Sandoval

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Few accessories are as important, or as abundant, as sunglasses. The winning combination of functionality and fashion, coupled with a dash of mysterious intrigue (what is he hiding?), make the sunny a frequently sought-after purchase. Unfortunately, with so much sunglasses market saturation, it’s also increasingly difficult to pick the right pair. Sure, you could shop by a particular style, or stick to the brands you know and trust, but there’s also the classic method of picking your shades based on (you guessed it) the shape of your cabeza.

While it’s critical to remember that liking the way you look continues to be the number one priority for any sartorial-minded purchases, understanding your face shape and the types of sunglasses that play nicely with your facial geometry and proportions can be helpful in selecting the right style for you. This is especially important when it comes to shopping online. We’ll break down some of the most common builds momentarily, but there are tons of useful guides online to cross-reference, too.

Here are some general rules of thumb that can be useful tools in your savvy shopper arsenal, but again, remember that these are guidelines, not commandments.Try to find styles that oppose, rather than blend into, the natural contour of your face. Everyone’s face is different (duh) and some winsome smiles might lend themselves to shapes not traditionally associated with said head.

With that in mind, we’ve identified the 5 most common face shapes (along with some subcategories), explaining how to figure out which one you are, and we highlighted the best styles for each, to help you on your journey to the perfect pair. Below, the best men’s sunglasses for every face shape, explained.

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Square and Rectangular Faces

Essential Styles: Circular, Clubmaster

Typically characterized by a wide, strong jaw, and a proportional width-to-length face, the powerful shape of a square head works well with many sunglasses, especially ones that draw attention to the sharp angles and features of your mug. Circular or half-circle styles are your friends here. Whereas you might want to avoid a squared-off shade; too many hard lines and you’ll end up looking like a cardboard box, especially if you lean more rectangular.

The Best Sunglasses For Square Face Shapes

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Round Faces

Essential Styles: Rectangular, Aviator

Rounder faces are nothing to be ashamed of; though they may be less angular than their sharp-jawed brethren, guy’s with a more circular face (widest at the cheekbones) don’t just trigger a trustworthy psychological response, but also get to play with some of the most badass sunglasses styles around. Sharp square shades and aviators help provide some structure to your dome…and make you look sick as hell.

The Best Sunglasses For Round Face Shapes

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Heart-Shaped and Triangle Faces

Essential Styles: Thin, Wayfarer

We’ll certainly concede that at face value, the heart and the triangle seem like two vastly different shapes. However, take the triangle, invert that bad boy, and bam! Spiky heart.

Perhaps the hardest shape to define (even with our expert clarification) the heart or triangle-shaped face is broadest at the forehead and slimmest at the jaw, with the former slightly softer at the mouth and across the cheekbones. This could mean you look like, say, Timothee Chalamet… or unfortunately E.T. whose face shape falls into this category, too. Avoid styles that emphasize your big brain-edness and stick to the thinner, more discrete sunnies. If you must go big, match the taper of your face — a classic Ray-Ban Wayfarer, for example, does the trick nicely.

The Best Sunglasses For Heart Face Shapes

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Oval and Oblong Faces

Essential Styles: Circular, Square, D-Frame

Oval shapes are often referred to as “the lucky ones” in the face shape conversation, and for good reason; with a horizontal proportionality and head longer than it is wide, the figure lends itself to virtually any style of sunglasses. From pronounced Persols, to spherical shades, to boxy eyewear, the sky is the limit. A small caveat; the oblong face, though similar to the oval, demands more width and less height than its smaller counterpart.

The Best Sunglasses For Oval Face Shapes

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Diamond Faces

Essential Styles: D-Frame, Oversized, Sport

How can a face be diamond shaped, you ask? We’ll admit that the classification does seem odd, but it’s simpler than one might think. Much like its points, the diamond face shape has stronger cheekbones and a more pronounced forehead than you might see on a round face, but less of a brick-like build than a square. Given the symmetry and length, it functions much as an oval shape would; try it all, especially frames that pronounce your face’s natural sharpness, like a sleek sports shade or an oversized, fashion-forward style.

The Best Sunglasses For Diamond Face Shapes

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