Time to Waist

Time to Waist

Time to Waist

By The Editors

The clothes you wear make a statement.

But more than that, the clothes you wear never stop talking.

That includes your belt — an accessory most of us tend to overlook.

Make that mistake no more, friends: get your next cinches from Beltology, taking online orders now.

Started by an Irish-surgeon-turned-Wall-Streeter-turned-accessories-guru (why not!), the just out of beta Beltology peddles colorful waistwear.

Each belt is “stretch woven.” Meaning: no pre-defined holes (cinch it anywhere along the webbing) and elastic enough to stretch and return to its original size.

And did we mention the colors? Unique patterns, occasionally daring … and, yes, blacks/browns/blues for more formal times.

A few we like:

Wall Street: A blue and white herringbone

James D: Just released, Jimmy’s a denim-like rayon

Lava Man: A black, grey and white check-patterned beaut

All the belts are 1.25 inches wide and 0.2 inches thick, with leather trim and a polished or brushed nickel buckle. And each one arrives in its own snazzy box, all for about $55-$65.

Completing your wardrobe: now a cinch.

Nota bene: This week only, use the code “Hook10off” (sans quotes) at checkout to save 10% on your order. 

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