Aaron Rodgers Quotes MLK, Credits Joe Rogan for Medical Advice in Anti-Vax Diatribe on “Pat McAfee Show”

The 37-year-old quarterback accused a "woke mob" of laying siege to him in the days following a positive COVID-19 diagnosis

Aaron Rodgers walks off the field following a win over the Cardinals
Aaron Rodgers walks off the field following a win over the Cardinals.
Christian Petersen/Getty

After Kyrie Irving delivered a rambling 20-minute speech last month explaining his refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19, former NBA player Stephon Marbury compared the 29-year-old’s stand against the vaccine to Muhammad Ali’s decision to be a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.

It was a horrible comparison, but at least Irving didn’t say it about himself. The same can’t be said for Aaron Rodgers, who invoked another pivotal figure in the Civil Rights movement while appearing on the Pat McAfee Show to explain why he misled people about his vaccination status by stating he was “immunized” and then behaving as if he had actually gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The great MLK said, ‘You have a moral obligation to object to unjust rules and rules that make no sense,’” Rodgers said with a straight face. “One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. What about ‘My body, my choice?’ What about making the best decision for my circumstance? This idea that it’s the pandemic of the unvaccinated, it’s just a total lie. If the vaccine is so great, then how come people are still getting COVID and spreading COVID?”

If that sounds like the sort of dangerous gibberish one might hear on a Joe Rogan podcast, there’s a very good reason. Rodgers, while extolling the virtues of homeopathically protecting himself against COVID-19 — which he now has — said he’s been consulting Rogan for medical advice.

“I consulted with a now good friend of mine Joe Rogan after he got COVID and I’ve been doing a lot of the stuff he recommended in his podcasts and on the phone to me,” Rodgers said. “I’m gonna have the best immunity possible now. I’m thankful for guys like Joe for stepping use and using their voice.”

The voice of Rogan and his ilk was rampant in much of what Rodgers had to say for himself in his self-described “diatribe” against the “witch hunt going across the league.”

“I realize I’m in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now, so before the final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I’d like to set the record straight on some of the blatant lies that are out there about me now,” Rodgers said in part. “I’m not some sort of anti-vax flat-earther, I am somebody who is a critical thinker, you guys know me, I march to the beat of my own drum, I believe strongly in bodily autonomy.’”

Look for Rodgers, and maybe Irving, on a Rogan podcast near you. The Jordan Love era can’t begin soon enough.

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