The 25 Items That Got You, Our Readers, Through 2020

We asked, you answered

The 25 Items That Got You, Our Readers, Through 2020
By The Editors

Nota bene: If you buy through the links in this article, we may earn a small share of the profits.

If you didn’t spend an immeasurable amount of time ordering tons of new products to try at home during quarantine, did you even really quarantine? And we don’t blame you. It’s been a weird year — so if buying stuff sparks even the smallest bit of joy? We say add to cart.

Back in April, we compiled a list of the products we were relying on to get through quarantine, and eight months later, it still holds up. This time, though, we wanted to hear from you. We asked readers from all over the country what products they’ve relied on most heavily to get them through the throes of quarantine … and they answered. Below, you’ll find a list of 25 things you swore by in 2020.

PK grill
PK Grills

The PK Grill 

“Classic alternative to a Weber but a superior two-zone cooking utensil. This grill will outlive me, takes a serious beating, can double as a smoker so I can smoke a pork butt or brisket while I WFH, and it’s entirely capable of dishing out the holiday meals for my household (Thanksgiving included). As an added perk, since quarantine has me spending too much time inside, this bad-boy encourages me to soak up the vitamin D.” — David, California

Hoka One One Clifton’s
Hoka One One

Hoka One One Clifton Running Shoes

“Need to get out of the house and stay fit, so these shoes have been a godsend. Lightweight, comfortable, great all-around training or racing shoe.” — Spencer, California

Vuori Performance Pant

Vuori sweats and t shirts

“Comfort, technical, great feel.” — Robert, New Jersey

L.L. Bean Hammock
L.L. Bean


“Bought the hammock during quarantine and I could sit on it, swaying back and forth with my cat, for hours, just staring at the sky … ” — Jeff, New York


Glerups Wool boot Slippers

“Perfect WFH footwear with a solid sole allowing me to run out for coffee without changing shoes.” — Smith, New York

Lodge Cast Iron Pan
Lodge Cast Iron

Cast Iron Pans 

“I cook nearly every night for my wife and girls. Using cast iron pans level up nearly every dish I make. It’s a new source of pride.” — Kris, Texas

L.L. Bean electric blanket
L.L. Bean

Reading Light and Electric Blanket 

“Outside on the deck or porch has been a solitude spot for a good dram and read.” — Jake, Washington D.C.

Triple Threat
Fly by Jing

Chili Crisp and Zhong sauces from Fly By Jing

“It literally goes on and enhances the flavors of EVERYTHING. Makes the days a little happier.” — Sumeet, New York



“The bike itself is well built, but the instructors, classes and community make it worth every penny.” — Trent, Maryland

Balega Hidden Comfort No-Show Running Socks

Balega Hidden Comfort Running Socks 

“These are far and away the best running socks I’ve ever worn. They’re not cheap, but they’re comfortable and motivating. Every time I put them on, it makes me want to get out and use them. They’ve helped me (at least partially) combat the pandemic malaise.” — Mark, Ohio

Aftershokz headphones

Aftershokz Headphones

“With gyms closed, I’ve spent more time working out outdoors. These headphones are great because they leave your ears open, allowing you to listen to the latest podcast or your favorite playlist, while keeping you alert to any traffic noises that would otherwise be blocked out with another pair of headphones. The technology is subtle and unobtrusive, making it seem like there’s a soundtrack playing in the background of your day.” — John, New York

Mark Weldon Act Sweatpant
Mark Weldon

Mack Weldon Ace Sweatpants

“Great fit, soft, cozy, warm, never seem to wrinkle, and don’t need washing too often.” — Geoff, California

Fask Mask Kit
Outdoor Research

Outdoor Research Face Mask Kit

“Protects the user and make the person look great, too.” — Muhammad, Maryland

Getty Images


“It has everything.” — Todd, Georgia

Rhone All Around Jogger

Rhone Sweatpants

“They are so comfy and have been my go-to since working remotely. I just throw them on and wear them all day long!” — Conor, Illinois

Lululemon ABC jogger

Lululemon ABC Jogger Pant

“Hands down, the most comfortable pant that you can wear almost anywhere. Soft enough for bed, warm enough for a cold day, breathable enough for a jog, structured and stylish enough to dine al fresco and not look like a lazy bum.” — Joel, California

Nespresso Vertuo

Nespresso Vertuo

“Consistently great coffee and espresso.” — Zach, Indiana

Regarding Cocktails

“Regarding Cocktails” by Sasha Petraske

Regarding Cocktails not only has great recipes that make one’s home happy hour feel like an occasion, it also sets a great mood just like the early days of the cocktail revival. Put on a sport coat, mix a nice drink and enjoy with your quarantine partner or a friend on the other side of the country.” — Phil, New York

Iron Ranger boots
Red Wing Shoes

Red Wing Iron Ranger boots

“I bought these just before quarantine in March. To keep from going stir crazy, I go out for an hour walk each morning to get sun and movement. My Iron Rangers (once broken in) have been my companion for these walks. They’re comfortable and stylish, but also built to last. Having things that are built to last help me keep the perspective that, while these COVID days are trying and feel unending, they will pass, and my boots will be with me to carry me into my post-COVID adventures.” — Rob, Pennsylvania

Theragun Prime


“Once you use a Theragun for the first time, your entire view of recovery completely changes. Absolutely essential.” — Eric, Texas

Sonos One

Sonos One speakers

“Being cooped up, being able to listen to music inside the home has been a godsend.” — Gene, New York

Roost Laptop Stand

Roost Laptop Stand

“It’s the perfect laptop raiser for WFH lifestyle. It’s small and light, so if I want to work in a different location in my home, it’s super easy to “pack up” and move. While it’s a little pricey compared to other options, it was the only super portable one I found.” — Jeremy, New York

Kenton Slipper

Ugg Kenton Slippers

“Super comfortable and warm, but they also have a sturdy slip-proof sole in case I need to make a quick run to the store!” — Anthony, Ohio

Solo Stove Fire Pit
Solo Stove

Solo Stove Fire Pit

“Having worked from home full-time since March, and with social distancing in place, it’s been a great opportunity to reconnect with nature (even in your own backyard). The Solo Stove has been an awesome addition to our backyard setup and is an easy, attractive, and well-built fire pit. Split some wood, start up a fire, pour some good bourbon (or your beverage of choice), and enjoy a relaxing evening without your phone. The solo stove has been a great catalyst for some relaxation in a world where it’s getting more difficult to unplug.” — Joe,  Georgia

Whiskey. No question.

“It’s acceptable in multiple forms and meets the mood and needs of the recipient. Ever changing pandemic experiences require a dynamic ‘quarantine essential.’ Japanese, Scotch, Bourbon … each one is relatable during an extended quarantine. .” — James, Illinois

Note: Whiskey, according to you guys, was the uncontested winner of quarantine. This is but one of several responses we received saying so.

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