Google’s Deepmind AI Will Now Challenge the World’s Best Go Player

Google’s Deepmind AI Will Now Challenge the World’s Best Go Player

By Matthew Reitman
Match of Go (Getty Images)
Match of Go (Getty Images)


Google Deepmind, the artificial intelligence computer that’s been schooling Go players online, is now set to face off against the number one player in the world next month.

Deepmind’s AlphaGo platform has already proven to be an exceptional player, having beaten grandmaster Lee Sedol four-to-one and dominated the competition in anonymous matches, according to Engadget. Deepmind could be the best player in the world, but the match in May would certifiably prove this.

Ke Jie, far right, has recreated the opening moves of one of AlphaGo’s games with Lee Sedol from memory to explain the beauty of its moves to Google CEO Sundar Pichai during a visit he made to Nie Weiping’s Go school in Beijing last year.


At the Future of Go Summit in Wuzhen, China at the end of May, Google’s AI computer will challenge the world’s number one player, 19-year-old Chinese player Ke Jie. The conference will gather some of the world’s best Go players and AI experts “to explore the mysteries of the game together,” according to a Deepmind press release.

Deepmind hasn’t just been playing games, though. The AI platform has learned to “remember” previous knowledge and cut down its learning time—two leaps in its cognitive abilities. Meanwhile, it has also been assisting Britain’s national health service diagnose patients and helping Google reduce energy consumption.

To see more on how Deepmind’s AlphaGo is already transforming the game, check out this video below.



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