This Electric Van Wants to Be Your Next Office

Securing the corner desk just got a whole lot easier

This Electric Van Wants to Be Your Next Office

This Electric Van Wants to Be Your Next Office

By Evan Bleier

According to workplace design expert Alan Hedge of Cornell, most people say their top source of distraction at the office is the man-made noise (coughs, talking, etc) co-workers make.

At the office Nissan just designed, noise may be a distraction, but it’ll probably be coming from car horns.

Built with help from UK-based design firm Studio Hardie, the e-NV200 WORKSPACe is a modern office on wheels with enough room for a fold-out desk, a pair of chrome-and-leather chairs, a console that makes gourmet coffee and a pull-out deck that provides a small outdoor area.

In addition to sprucing up the mobile workspace with a panoramic glass roof and an oak floor lit by LEDs, the van has a wireless charging dock, a Bluetooth speaker and a hideable mini-fridge.

The one-off electric van has  a 106-mile range and could theoretically save money on gas as well as rent. “With property prices in our cities at such a premium and the modern professional needing to be ever more mobile, businesses will need to think smart and consider what the workplace of the future looks like,” said Nissan Europe e-vehicles director Gareth Dunsmore.

The van isn’t on the market yet, but Dunsmore did say it might end up as “more than a concept.”

Still not sure? Take a little walkthrough to get yourself better acquainted:

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