Chase Hill

All Articles From Chase Hill

Cannabis Drinks Are Spilling Into 2019

These beverages are on track to be worth more than $600M by 2022.

This Panamanian Coffee Sells for More Than $800 a Pound

And you thought your Starbucks habit was adding up.

The “Friends” Cast Still Makes $20M Apiece Per Year: Report

That kinda dough could buy lots of coffee at Central Perk.

California Won’t Tax Text Messages

A vote was due January 10, 2019.

Jordan Peele “Us” Trailer Viewed By Millions in One Day

Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o stars in the upcoming horror movie.

Grand Canyon Still Open Amid Government Shutdown

Plans were put in place last year for situations like this.

Old Christmas Songs Get the Most Radio Play

The 1940s are the biggest decade for holiday tunes.

Tree Resin Could Replace Fossil Fuels

The discovery could create greener energy and product alternatives.

The EU Just Banned Tons Of Single-Use Plastic

10 products are to be phased out by 2021.